
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Encounter Rarotonga - bits and pieces

The church in Raro is alive with the presence and power of God. I've come home really impacted.Jonathan and Natasha are doing a tremendous work. It nearly is all sunshine and palm trees and beautiful pacific breezes, but there is the usual warfare too so I know they would love our prayers.What was really cool too was Jo from Invercargill got to hang with us and be part of the womens encounter. Nancy has put up more info and photos on Tania. Nelson.
The biggest blessing for me in Raro was "working" with a team. We are so blessed to be part of a great church family. Beautiful.
Team at dinner, outside on beach!

This was the view from Murray and Nancy's house. We saw whales everyday
It was cool being at church the first time Nancy attended since her accident. Celebration on the Rock presented her with flowers and the headpiece. Forgot what that's called. You can feel the love for Murray and Nancy there.

Nancy driving Island Princess style

The cafe is pumping! Even Resort owners drive to the other side of the island to eat and have coffee.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

southern river face book pages

Hi guys.
We have 2 face book pages for the church at the moment. Southern River church organization and Southern River Bike show. Also I have my own Page. Danny Steel ...... that Jo lives on.
Have an awesome week.
Blessings to you

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hi from Invercargill

I'm a first time driver on this site so hoping not to crash it ;-)
Here are some photo's of Jo the kids, me and the bike.
Its great to part of the Celebration family, Our church is doing well, God is adding to and growing us.
We are opening 3 more cells in the next 4 weeks and have seem new families and salvations in the church. Blessings to you all

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Celebration Centre Irvine Mission Work in Mexico

Childrens Orphanage Mexico. Every month members from Irvine visit the orphanage taking supplies and ministering.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crestline Outreach!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Celebration Centre Kumi, Uganda - Building progress.

As you can see we are well on the journey to getting the church up and built.  About another 1.5 m to go to finish the walls and then the roof doors and windows to fit, There is meant to be a progression in the pics but as this is my first posting who knows how it will turn out.  Really want to encourage Mike and Allison with their build project in the Far North ... keep prohecying to the nothin' til it becomes somethin'. 

We are about two thirds on the way - started in Nov 09 and got to this point in May 2010. The engineers in the local council are watching closely as few buildings there actually get a proper foundation laid as we have here - the result after monsoon rains down the track is that those buildings end up slumping and breaking. We had our share of stress in 09 when it looked hopeless and the council was going to reposses and sell our land and we would lose all our purchase money (we were contracturally obligated to proceed building within 6 months of purchase) which we were not aware of. The deadline was on us and no dough in kitty -  some 'creative financial thinking' and some fast action from Ps Richard to raise some local money saw some government officials get some cash 'under the counter' and we got a five year build extension signed and sealed! Against our financial priciples you ask ... yep it sure was, but I reckon you've gotta do what youve gotta do to get the job done for the Kingdom.

Be encouraged He is everywhere and into everything  .... and He is with you as well!

Bob and Elizabeth


It's been a battle to raise 2.6 million dollars in this financial climate but after nine months of labour looks like we have breakthrough!

One building sold and two major refinance packages approved with only one to go.

After the test comes the testimony, praise the Lord, Jehovah Jireh!!


The pressure God allows around our lives tests the quality of Gods character development in us.
The pressure cooker accelerates character growth

Embrace your battles and grow