
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gold dust and oil

Hi Guys.
I hope your week is going well.
In one of our teenage girl cells last week the girls were praying for 2 none christian girls in the group.
As they prayed 1 none christian girl got gold dust over her hands while the other had oil dripping off her fingers. No one in the group had ever seen this before.
The impact of this mirical was such that both girls got saved and were at church on sunday.

Heres a photo of Jo and a good size trout she caught. It broke her line so she jumped in the lake and wrestled it to the shore. she was not going to let this fish escape ;-)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Torrance Celebration Center, If You Feed them they'll come.

Took the Motley Crew (family) out for dinner, but we got shanghaied!

No that's not Gene with the sword, even though it looks like the foster son!
He's in the Philippines visiting grandma and grandpa.
The dinner and show was ok- but we had a buy one get one free deal, that was better!!
-from left to right it's-
Sandra and Lou (#1 son and his wife), there son's Eli (#1 grandson), Benny (#2 g/son), ME, Linda, Rob (#2 son), Hanna (Stassy friend), Stassy (the baby), Manny (#3 son), Angie (Robs' good friend...he still hasn't proposed), Rose and Vanessa, (Manny's friends).
The dude (Gene look a-like guy) on the bottom needs a hug!!
Arr-blessings, from Torrance matees.

Jo and Danny, 2 day ride with some friends, evangelist dream, 120 bikers, 2 christians.