
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Murray and Nancy meet with Celebration Centre Crestline leaders

Psalm 133 came to mind when we met with Chuck and Marys leadership team.  ' is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard of Aaron....'
 Murray...using a whiteboard, showed leaders the multiplication effect of building the Church through Cell.   He exhorted leaders to step up, continue to reach new people and build the Church through relationship. 

 We have so much fun with our pastors Chuck and Mary Cuccia.  What an awesome couple, called of God and hungry to breakthrough for their Church.  Continue to pray God will give them wisdom and revelation to move things forward with great faith and confidence.  They are destined to success!

Hello Brothers and Sisters--
This one is for you Tania and Nancy-- I love You Both!!!

Here in the beautiful mountians of Southern California is a small town called Crestline. In this charming town filled with Denmonic activity is a powerful little church called Celebration Centre' Crestline. We have been
actively trying to fulfill the VISION---Effective in gathering Souls! Over the 4th of July weekend, we hosted two Christian bands from Northern California area, about 8 hours away. One was a country gospel and the other was Blues band. They were awesome and very powerful evangelists. We had a Christian bike club join our efforts for which one of the members has recently joind the church. Unfortunately we had no confirmed salvations, but we did add three new families to the church. We are praying more to come!!

Pray for us. Like our Father Murray we are going through some hassels with the powers that be and trying to get a new loan for our church building. The forces are strong, but "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world."

Chuck and I recently had the HONOR of having Peter and Tracy from Wakworth Celebration Centre' and Mike and Allison from KeriKeri Celebration Centre'( Spelling????) We had a lovely visit with both couples and felt a powerful connection in the Spirit!!! Father Murray is right!!! CONNECT- CONNECT- CONNECT!!! We have found that this is very important. We have now had almost all the Celebration Centre' pastors in our home. Come on Guys and Gals-- Give us a try!!! We would love to have you.  We had the presence of God and some wonderful uplifting in the Spirit. We are connect to an awesome movement and some wonderful brothers and sisters in the Lord, all endeavoring to fulfill the Great Commission---What an awesome priveledge!!! Thank you for inviting us Murray and Nancy!!! We are grafted in!!!!Yeah!!!

Love to All-- And may the Peace of God be with each of you.

P.S. Pictures of outreach to follow---When I figure that part out???!!!

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