
Thursday, July 22, 2010

God is stripping away everything!

Hi Guys, Natasha reminded me of the prophetic word God gave me for conference it was very vivid at the time.

Basically God was going to strip away everything we depended on until we were just left with him.
He spoke to me very clearly about financial system, banks, finance companies, weather, tsunamis, floods, drought, fires, mud slides, earthquakes, volcano’s, everything we though would remain the same was coming down and we could not depend on anything but God,
Human relationships, buildings, pulpits, congregation,
There are many things around us that can give us a false sense of security, but God is our security

Do you think God may give or take till we break?

Till we come to the place of total dependence and trust in Him again, that place of revival!

Consider the things we may have lost over the last year
Consider the things we may have gained “this may very well be spiritual gain not material”

What I do believe is God is taking us all to a new place in Him.

The Lord gives, the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord

This may be a deep moment, bless Ya heaps Murray

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