
Monday, June 28, 2010

Prophetess Jane Hamon Coming to Irvine Celebration Centre

We're excited to announce our good friend, Prophetess Jane Hamon will be coming to our special service on Friday, July 2nd at 7:00 PM. Jane and her husband Tom pastor a large church in Florida. They oversee 500 churches in the US. She has written many books on the Prophetic- Apostolic and hosts on several TV stations.

Jane oversees over 1,000's of intercessors nationwide.Prayer is a bif factor of her ministry.

We have a new web-site. A more simplified and contempory yet classic look that we are excited about. We are still updating it, so take a look. We even have music on it.

Our Mexico Ministry Orphange is doing very well.

Just as our Senior Assisted Living Ministry is also doing very well.

They are even tithing to the home church. Both outreaches are doing very well.

We send our love and greetings to everyone. We have just entered the summer season and weather is beautiful.

No oil slicks where we live. :))))))

Love to All,

P Raul & Sharon   ~    Irvine Celebration Centre  USA

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